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10 Key consumer trends to look out for in 2023-2024

As usual, at the beginning of each year, the rising consumer trends are a hot topic for marketing and advertising professionals globally. Needles to say, that the snowballing world changes, starting from 2020 from COVID pandemic to the war in Ukraine, which disrupted the world as we knew it, have made this not just another fancy conversation over cocktail, but rather a vital knowledge for many businesses.

In this article we’ll summarize what is known about biggest consumer trends emerging in 2023 and beyond, and what should marketers and communication specialists should do about those. We’ll dive into key takeaways to help businesses direct their marketing strategies to better connect with their consumers.

 Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, this post is sure to provide valuable insights to help you succeed in today’s changing landscape.

There is plenty of analytics out there. So to save you some time and give a better overview of relevant trends, we have analyzed reports by: Trendwatching, WGSN, Forbes, Euromonitor and a few others. So here’s a brief summary of what is going on.

Mental health becoming as important, if not more than, the physical one.

Burnout is becoming more and more common, and brands need to embrace this. Although, the trend looks more relevant for HR brands, that need to capitalize on empathy and emotional intelligence, consumer brands will also have to show some understanding.

The tech will continue to transform people’s lives.

But both pushing back on this and delegating everything to AI are the two dangerous extremes. We need to learn to be work together and learn from each other. That said, brands shouldn’t rely too much on tech. It is sometimes seducing to outsource everything, from strategy to creative to AI – but don’t overestimate the power of tech for consumer relations – It is very rapidly developing, but not quite the same just yet. So don’t make your consumers feel disconnected and abandoned.

Business transparency international

Spurred by the previous trend, glass doors are being installed in every business facility. Whether you like it or not, consumers want to know more about your business, and closing the window blinds on them is not how you want to act. Tokenization is only one way to show how your brand actually works.

Consumers are looking for sustainability.

And it’s up to brands to empower the change, not governments. The trend should be embraced by those who want to champion positive change and provide consumers with the opportunity to do the same. If your brand is not there yet – it’s definitely high time to start. And remember – it only matters what you do, not what you say!

It’s the age of creator economy.

What was started by millennials, is taken by the Zoomers to even higher level. Brands need to give space for consumers to create, share and collaborate. The trend is also leading to decline in corporate loyalty from employees, who will opt out of regular wages in pursuit of their dreams. 

Web 3 is here.

It is time to build a whole new digital economy. With the rise of NFT’s, DAO’s and Metaverse, brands are getting great new tools to engage with their consumers. Loyalty programs, consumer buy-ins, ads and events in VR – are just a few options. By 2024, every brand should have a solid meta-strategy in place

Preparing for uncertainty but living for the moment.

Exhausted by constant change which is happening at accelerating pace, consumers are trying to get back on track and regain a sense of normality. But nobody said that this “new normal” is going to be the same for everyone. At the same time planning is dying, because who knows which next change you need to plan for? Brands should provide their consumers with simple pleasures: affordable luxury, indulgences. BNPL (Buy Now Pay Later), which is on the rise especially with youngsters, is yet another evidence.

Premium is the new mainstream – but only a few will get the prize. It’s no secret that during covid times consumers were able to save more. But the inflation and economic slow-down causes wages to decline and savings to diminish. A lot of brands are looking to sell enhanced products for a higher price. But eventually not everyone will succeed. A company needs to deliver a flawless brand value and deliver on the promise, if it wants consumers to come back for more. 

Consumers search for local brands. And their preferences are more often based on reviews.

That said, Influencers become even more influential. Consider your affiliate and influencer marketing strategy. It might be the case that small influencers, who are especially popular with certain communities, will deliver the best result.

Gaming and entertainment.

It is an off-spring of two trends above: tech development and living for the moment. Brands who want to succeed need to find ways to bring people together, combine fun and well-being.  Already more brands are creating playable ads, and products that are geared towards gaming culture

Take note, monitor and leverage the biggest consumer trends in 2023. We sincerely hope your business will transform 2023 into an ongoing prospect. If you have any questions regarding how you can make better use of consumer trends, send us a note at and we’ll be there to help.

Stay tuned for more updates!

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